Research Publications Based on WERS

This section provides information about research publications that report primary or secondary analysis of the 2011 WERS data.

 The primary analysis was conducted by the 2011 WERS Research Team as part of the broader initiative to design and administer the survey.

 We also maintain a Bibliography of Research Based on WERS, which records over 300 research publications based on the six surveys in the WERS series (1980-2011). This includes the many publications based on secondary analysis of the survey data.  

Primary analysis

The headline findings from the 2011 WERS have been published in a 40-page booklet of First Findings, which may be downloaded free-of-charge from the BIS website.

 First Findings from the 2011 WERS (BIS website)

 A more extensive discussion of the survey findings is provided in a full-length book, Employment Relations in the Shadow of Recession (published by Palgrave). The book examines the state of British employment relations in 2011, how this had changed since 2004, and the role the recession played in shaping employees’ experience of work.

 Employment Relations in the Shadow of Recession (Macmillan website)

 The WERS Research Team has produced a number of standard tabulations to accompany their primary analysis of the survey data. Further details are provided in the Online Analysis section of this website.

Bibliography of research based on WERS

We maintain a bibliography of research publications based on WERS in which we list all known publications that report secondary analysis of the WERS data. This helps to avoid any duplication among researchers. The bibliography also demonstrates the value of the survey to funders.

 The bibliography includes publications based on the 2011 WERS and its five predecessors (conducted in 1980, 1984, 1990, 1998 and 2004). The bibliography is provided as a PDF file and is regularly updated with new entries as they become known to us.

 Bibliography of Research Based on WERS (Latest edition: 19th January 2023; PDF file)

 In order to maintain an up-to-date bibliography, we are heavily reliant on users to notify us of their publications that report new analysis of the WERS data. Please contact us with details of any publications that are not already listed.


The 2011 WERS is a joint initiative by:
Website designed by NIESR with funding from Acas and BIS . Copyright (c) NIESR 2015